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Fine Line & Wrinkle Treatment Timelines 💉

Saira Rehman

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

The most common questions we’re asked about injectable wrinkle treatments are:

  1. How long until I’ll see the results?

  2. Please don’t make me look frozen or like (insert name of celebrity with too much or terrible aesthetic treatments)

  3. Does the price include a top up?

Image to show timeline fo botox treatment
Botox Treatment Timeline

Wrinkle Treatment Timeline - Treatment for fine lines and wrinkles takes a full 14 days to kick in completely, movement can change as late as day 13 & 14 meaning you should allow a full two weeks for results to kick in!

The answer to 2&3 is somewhat intertwined. We use the correct dose for each individual to always work towards natural, flawless results- movement without the signs of ageing! What works for one person is very individual, and varies between genders, tissue types, lifestyle factors etc. That said a lot of our clients don’t always need the two week ‘tweak’ aka the ‘free top up’ 😭.

Controversial maybe, but we feel the phrase ‘top up’ has been used as a marketing strategy to make you feel like you’re getting more bang for your buck. Wrinkle treatments are prescription medications, adding extra medicine where it’s not needed to create a sense of value is WRONG and will lead to over treatment and the dreaded frozen face. If the dose needs a tweak at week two to adjust the results then this is included, if the results are perfect then no, we don’t top it up!

If you’re looking for a responsible practitioner to deliver your anti ageing, wrinkle treatments, book a consultation with us by calling us on 0121 293 0237 or clicking the box now button on the website.

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