The most common questions we’re asked about injectable wrinkle treatments are:
How long until I’ll see the results?
Please don’t make me look frozen or like (insert name of celebrity with too much or terrible aesthetic treatments)
Does the price include a top up?
Wrinkle Treatment Timeline - Treatment for fine lines and wrinkles takes a full 14 days to kick in completely, movement can change as late as day 13 & 14 meaning you should allow a full two weeks for results to kick in!
The answer to 2&3 is somewhat intertwined. We use the correct dose for each individual to always work towards natural, flawless results- movement without the signs of ageing! What works for one person is very individual, and varies between genders, tissue types, lifestyle factors etc. That said a lot of our clients don’t always need the two week ‘tweak’ aka the ‘free top up’ 😭.
Controversial maybe, but we feel the phrase ‘top up’ has been used as a marketing strategy to make you feel like you’re getting more bang for your buck. Wrinkle treatments are prescription medications, adding extra medicine where it’s not needed to create a sense of value is WRONG and will lead to over treatment and the dreaded frozen face. If the dose needs a tweak at week two to adjust the results then this is included, if the results are perfect then no, we don’t top it up!
If you’re looking for a responsible practitioner to deliver your anti ageing, wrinkle treatments, book a consultation with us by calling us on 0121 293 0237 or clicking the box now button on the website.
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