Vitamin #B12 injections are an increasingly popular treatment in all of our clinics in the #westmidlands. Changes in NHS protocols for Vitamin B12 injections has pushed more people into seeking this injectable vitamin treatment outside of the GP
surgery. Administered not only for medical purposes but also to optimise general physical and mental health and well-being, promote cellular repair, boost energy levels, fight fatigue and enable proper neurological function.
What is Vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 provides an essential vitamin that your body can not produce itself also known as cobalamin. We normally find vitamin B12 in various animal products; however, in some cases, it is also added to specific foods (you’ll often see the phrase ‘fortified with vitamin b12’ on plant based products. People who follow a Vegetarian or Vegan diet can benefit the most from supplementary Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 has multiple, varied roles within the body. The main benefits are noted around:
It’s vital role in cell development in the central nervous system (CNS)
Fundamental for the normalised function of your nerve cells.
Crucial for the development of red blood cells and DNA synthesis.
Critical to the body’s biological processes
Vitamin B12 can improve general well-being and physical health as the vitamin’s essential role in boosting the metabolic function of the cells can increase energy release, improve memory and cognition, and help prevent heart disease.
If your body does not have the optimal amount of #vitaminB12 present, you may notice symptoms of fatigue, forgetfullness and may even become at higher risk of developing heart disease.
Where can you find Vitamin B12?
As humans we cannot produce Vitamin B12; however, B12 can be commonly found in many animal products, including cheese, milk, eggs, fish, and poultry. Those who have very little to no animal products in their diet are more likely to encounter a deficiency in vitamin B12.
What is the optimal level of Vitamin B12?
According to scientific research, the vitamin B12 standard reference range is 200–700 pg/ml whereas the proposed optimal range is 500–1300 pg/ml. Higher vitamin B12 ranges have been associated with increased cognitive function, and reflexes, decreased brain atrophy, confusion, weakness and depression.
How can Vitamin B12 injections benefit you?
#VitaminB12 injections can help enhance both physical & mental health as well as emotional well-being.
Increases #Energy Levels – decreasing the feeling of tiredness and fatigue
Boosts the Immune System – to support the best possible physical health
Boosts metabolism – helps maintain a healthy rate of fat burning and weight
Improves #concentration and thinking and improve #sleep patterns
Supports Mental Well-being – helps to reduce #stress and enhance emotional imbalance.
Encourages weight loss
Reduces #anxiety levels
Lowers any risks associated with heart disease
Can you have too much Vitamin B12?
Healthy individuals without kidney or liver problems will not store excess Vitamin #B12- the body works to take what it needs to optimise function and then excretes what it doesn’t require via the normal hepatic pathways.
Are Vitamin B12 injections better than taking oral supplements?
The body’s natural absorption process may decide that up to 85% of oral supplementation in the form of a #vitamin tablet is unsuitable and only extract 15% of the nutrients from the supplement to enter the bloodstream.
Intramuscular injection of #vitaminB12 negates this loss as the body will receive a higher concentration of nutrient delivered straight to bloodstream, allowing your body to absorb and utilise the nutrients more efficiently.
How long do the B12 injections last?
Most people notice a change in their symptoms within 48 to 72 hours. New red blood cells will begin to form. Once reserves reach optimal levels, we recommend that you go onto a maintenance programme of 1ml of B12 every 4-8 weeks to prevent symptoms from returning.
How many B12 injections will I need?
In our #suttoncoldfield, #birmingham and #stafford clinics, we offer a starter course of Vitamin B12 injections that follows a 6 week introduction to the vitamin to enable the body to absorb the vitamin optimally for your best results. To start your journey with increasing your B12, it is recommended to start a course of B12 injections, of 3 treatments:
Week 1 - 2ml
Week 3 - 2ml
Week 7 - 1ml
You then go onto a maintenance programme of 1ml every 4-8 weeks.
Starter Course - £150
Single dose (1ml) - £35
Book A Consultation at Resolve Aesthetics Today
If you would like to learn more about how vitamin B12 injections can help you, contact us today at Resolve Aesthetics to schedule a consultation. We offer Vitamin B12 treatments at our clinics in; Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield and Stafford. It’s simple to book an appointment online; follow the on-screen directions via our ‘book now’ link or if you’d prefer to talk to a human you can call us on 01212930237.
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